Viewing entries in
Batch 2

Seafloor Foraging

"Seafloor foraging" by Scott Needham

all that ocean goodness AND surfing= sustainable equilibrium.
— Scott Needham

Freddo Scaling to New Heights

"Freddo Scaling to New Heights" by Scott Gregory

We found this little guy just chilling on our vertical wall. Frogs help out in the control of some insects within the garden such as mozzies & flies.
— Scott Gregory

Christmas Tree Garden Style

"Christmas Tree Garden Style" by Peter White

An Australian Christmas icon - one of a zillion tomatoe ‘trees’ growing rapidly in Sydney’s heat and humidity at Baringa Bush Community Garden.
— Peter White

Local Produce

"Local Produce" by Dan

Tasmanian produce shed from an amazing family’s front, back and side gardens.
— Dan

Dangerously Sweet

"Dangerously Sweet" by Dan

It’s dangerously sweet, foraging for blackberries.
— Dan

Maggots, anyone?

"Maggots, anyone?" by Paul Ryan

It may look pretty gross, but these Soldier Fly larvae are pretty amazing. The can be used in compost bins or worm farms to break down organic waste. If there are plenty of them, you can feed them to your chickens or fish in an aquaponic system.
— Paul Ryan

Lizard Lounge

Use and value biodiversity. Provide environments that encourage all sorts of animals to call your garden home. Lizards may keep insects under control.
— Paul

Square metre gardening

"Square metre gardening" by Caroline Ryan

Square metre gardening is a method to sow seeds and plant veggies and herbs to maximise the number of crops that can be grown in a small area. Refer to “Square Meter Gardening” book by Mel Bartholomew.
— Paul Ryan

Layers Lounge being built

"Layers Lounge being built" by Paul Ryan

Having a go at building a chicken coop in the backyard. Never built anything structural before, but learnt a lot in the process. If you think it will take X days and cost Y dollars, then triple both.
— Paul Ryan

Battle-weary bee

"Battle-weary bee" by Paul Ryan

This is a battle-weary native Australian stingless bee (Trigona carbonaria). This photo was taken after their hive was attacked by an invading swarm, and a brutal aerial battle ensured with thousands of bees fighting to the death.
— Paul Ryan

Wood-fired pizza oven

"Wood fired pizza oven" by Paul Ryan

Use and value renewable resources. The base was built using sandstone found in the backyard chisled into shape by hand. The cooking surface is recycled pavers pulled up from a driveway. We often collect sticks and wood from the local area to fire it up, or sometimes timber offcuts left over from building things.
— Paul Ryan

Coming in for landing

"Coming in for landing" by Paul Ryan

Reminds me of little helicopters approaching a landing pad. There are so many little details to observe in your garden.

Food Security is in our hands

"Food Security is in our hands" by Liz Nakhla

Collecting seed, working with nature, Sharing seeds, treading lightly
— Liz Nakhla

Beautiful Echinacea

"Beautiful Echinacea" by Julie Gundlach

One of nature’s greatest medicinal gifts...
— Julie Gundlach

Just Bee

"Just Bee" by Julie Gundlach

Busy making honey that tastes like my garden...
— Julie Gundlach

35mm film (5/5)

By Jack Livanes

The few photos that have been uploaded show the diverse ways that people can promote and engage in environmentally friendly backyard practices.
— Jack Livanes

35mm film (4/5)

By Jack Livanes

The few photos that have been uploaded show the diverse ways that people can promote and engage in environmentally friendly backyard practices.
— Jack Livanes

35mm film (3/5)

By Jack Livanes

The few photos that have been uploaded show the diverse ways that people can promote and engage in environmentally friendly backyard practices.
— Jack Livanes

35mm film (2/5)

By Jack Livanes

The few photos that have been uploaded show the diverse ways that people can promote and engage in environmentally friendly backyard practices.
— Jack Livanes

35mm film (1/5)

The few photos that have been uploaded show the diverse ways that people can promote and engage in environmentally friendly backyard practices.
— Jack Livanes