When you think about what to do with beeswax, you think "candlemaking", right? You are not wrong, but there are so many uses for this wonderful natural product, it would be hard to list them.

Wax has been used for millenia as a sealant, a waterproofing agent and for its preserving qualities. It has a place in the modern household, particularly if you want to avoid chemicals in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. 

During the workshop you will learn how to waterproof pieces of cotton or linen to make safe food wraps; how to mix a leather shoe treatment and to create furniture polish! Beautiful and  useful presents for this time of year!

This workshop will be conducted by Margaret Mossakowska and will be held at Forestville. The cost is $30 and $25 for members.

What to bring:

  • A square piece of thin, simple weave cotton fabric to make a food wrap (at least 30 cm x 30cm)
  • A notebook to take notes
  • Teas/coffee and light snacks will be available
  • 20 places only - please book through the PNB Living Skills team: juliegundlach@livingchange.com.au